C029-82 Ringier Sportal S.R.L

Data Transfers
Case project
Filing DPA
Ringier Sportal S.R.L
Case status
Other Outcome
Filed: Closed: (2 years 3 months)

This is one of noyb 101 complaints which were filed after the "Schrems II" judgement in Summer 2020. The judgement invalidated the EU-US data transfer mechanism "Privacy Shield". The cases were generated based on implemented Google Analytics or Facebook tracking code on websites by EU providers, which leads to unlawful data transfers to the United States.

Data Podsumowanie
Romanian DPA told us that it ended the procedure

"the Romanian supervisory authority for the processing of personal data conducted investigations at Ringier Sportal S.R.L.. As part of the investigation, the Romanian supervisory authority was informed that the code for the Google Analytics tool was removed from the "gsp.ro" website at the end of 2020.
In view of the above, the Romanian supervisory authority is of the opinion that the investigation in this regard is now closed."

We decided not to appeal and to focus on the pending cases.

Romanian DPA confirmed receipt of request for update
noyb asked Romanian DPA for an update
noyb tried callling Romanian DPA multiple times

noyb called several times, the call kept dropping when any number was pressed as intructed by the automatic voice.

noyb asked for an update again
Romanian DPA told us that it ended the procedure

Based on the complaint the Romanian supervisory authority investigations at Ringier Sportal S.R.L.. As part of the investigation, the Romanian supervisory authority was informed that the code for the Google Analytics tool was removed from the "gsp.ro" website at the end of 2020.
In view of the above, the Romanian supervisory authority is of the opinion that the investigation in this regard is now close.
We decided not to appeal but to focus on the pending cases.

DSB informed us that the complaint continues to be under investigation

DSB informed us that the complaint continues to be under investigation and that it is being handled in close cooperation with other concerned DPAs in order to esure a uniform approach.

noyb asked the DSB for an update
Controllers lawyer asked us to withdraw the complaint

Controller's lawyer asked us to withdraw the complaint, as GA has been removed from website. noyb replied on the same day, that we will not withdraw, as there are still a lot of transfers to Google servers, some of which happen even before interaction with the cookie banner.

DSB stayed procedure until LSA is established and has decided