C095 WetterOnline Meteorologische Dienstleistungen GmbH

Online & Mobile tracking
WetterOnline Meteorologische Dienstleistungen GmbH
Case status
Pending (0 - 6 months)
Filed: (3 weeks 6 days ago)

WetterOnline is the provider of a popular German weather app. For using the app, data subjects had to "consent" to some processing of their personal data. This involved the transmission of location data to hundreds of so called advertising partners. After this data was found in the data set of a data broker, a journalist from netzpolitik.org tried to get access to the data processed by WetterOnline but was rejected because providing access would be an disproportionate effort for the controller. noyb filed a complain against this violation of Article 15 GDPR.

Ημερομηνία Summary
Complaint filed with LDI

Complaint filed with LDI

LDI confirms receipt of complaint

LDI confirms receipt of complaint