Case project
Filing DPA
Case status
Pending (2 - 3 years)
(2 years 4 months ago)
noyb lodged 225 GDPR complaints in a second round of litigation on deceptive designs against websites that use the popular cookie banner software (“OneTrust”).
Ημερομηνία | Summary |
16.02.2023 | Confirmed that the complaint can be forwarded to the Czech Republic |
09.02.2023 | DPA informed that the complaint should be forwarded to the Czech DPA |
18.11.2022 | Submission by noyb sent The website was deactivated. |
10.11.2022 | DSB forwarded the controllers DSB forwarded the controller's submission. 4 weeks to reply |
10.11.2022 | Controller submission |
09.08.2022 | Complaint filed |